WELCOME TO THE MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS DEMO IDL's mathematics and statistics tools are designed for use in a wide variety of disciplines. This demo introduces 6 features. MENU OPTIONS ------------ File Menu: Select "Quit" to exit the Mathematics and Statistics Demo and return to the IDL Demo main screen. About Menu: Select "About mathematics and statistics" for information about the Mathematics and Statistics Demo. FEATURES -------- <> radio button The INT_TABULATED function uses a fifth-order Newton-Cotes integration formula and neighborhood spline curve-fitting to produce integrations of tabulated data (discrete points). This is one of the most accurate integration techniques available. area = INT_TABULATED(time, amplitude) You can also use IDL to integrate functions that have algebraic singularities and asymptotic behavior. <> button Creates a new set of data. <> radio button Dozens of "Numerical Recipes" library routines for performing complex mathematical computations are integrated into IDL. For example, the NR_NEWT function solves systems of non-linear equations. Multiple solutions can be found by starting the NR_NEWT algorithm at different initial values. The black markers show the locations of the initial guesses. The white markers show the solutions to the non-linear system of equations. The solutions lie on the intersection of the three surfaces: z = -(x*x - y - 4) (Bottom surface - blue) z = 0 (Middle surface - green) z = x*x + y*y - 8 (Top surface - red) The Numerical Recipes algorithms are used by permission and are taken from the book "Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing" (second edition) by: William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery. <> radio button The IDL Numerical Recipies routine NR_POWELL can be used to find the local minimum of a function of 'n' variables. In this demo, clicking on the plot identifies the nearest local minimum of the function: y=SIN(SIN(x^2)-COS(x))+COS(SIN(x)+SIN(x)^2)'] <> radio button The "Method of Least Absolute Deviation" (the plot on the right) is used to accurately fit a curve through data. This curve fitting method, unlike "least-square" fitting (the plot on the left) is not adversely affected by outlying points. <> slider Sets the number of outliers above the main cluster. <> slider Sets the number of outliers below the main cluster. <> radio button The "POLY_FIT" function fits a least-square polynomial curve through scattered data points. <> slider Sets the number of data points. <> slider Sets the polynomial degree. <> radio button The MIN_CURVE_SURF function can be used to fit a minimum curvature surface through irregularly- gridded 3D data. <> Sets the number of data points.